Gate of Abyss
Ctrl + K
Web 3 / Connectivity
Connecting To The Tipsy App
MetaMask - Mobile
MetaMask - Desktop
WalletConnect - Desktop
Last updated
11 months ago
Step 1: In your MetaMask App, ensure you are connected to BNB Chain
Step 2: Open the menu panel and click on "Browser" to open the MetaMask Browser
Step 3: In the MetaMask Browser search box, navigate to
Step 4: Click "CONNECT WALLET" and select MetaMask
Step 5: Confirm connection
Step 6: Your wallet is now connected
Disconnecting / Changing Your Wallet
Step 1: In the MetaMask in-app browser, navigate to
Step 2: Click on the top right icon to see connected account
Step 3: Disconnect wallet (iOS)
Step 3: Change wallet (Android)
Click on "Wallet" at the top center and select "BNB Chain" from the network list
into the search box.
Click on "Permissions"
Click on "Disconnect"
Select another wallet to change